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By Alessandra Gabriele

On Wednesday 15 January 2025, the work Every step I have taken in my life has led me here, now” (Tutti i passi che ho fatto nella mia vita mi hanno portato qui, ora) by Alberto Garutti was inaugurated at the Department of Architecture in Pescara: a floor slab, which finds its place in numerous other locations, living on its dispersion and at the same time on the physical and emotional experience of every single person. A work that belongs to the city and to the academic community. A work by an artist, with a background in architecture, who says to choose where to be in the world, who tells architects and future architects to learn to «obstinately question space», to read places and interface with the inhabitants and their needs. The most beautiful lesson in a Department of Architecture.

It was an exciting and meaningful morning: one hundred and twenty first-year architecture students-boys whose footsteps have recently come to this place-listened with avid curiosity to the words of Dora Stiefelmeier and Mario Pieroni, Francesco Garutti's touching greeting, and Laura Cherubini's engaging lecture. We were moved, all of us.

A touching unedited video by Alberto Garutti shot by Ferdinando Vicentini Orgnani

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