Text by Ingrid Rowland

Less than an hour from the chaos of Rome, we found an oasis of silence in the middle of the Bosco di Paliano, temporary host of Sound Art's installation La Via dei Canti: Uccelli/Birds. Sound Art because the work manages to involve yes the sound of recorded music mixed with that of the local birds, but accompanied by a singular dance troupe: the oaks of the Bosco, among which the path created by sound, the Via dei Canti, traces a kind of magic circle. The unsettled weather of late summer kept us all a little breathless, with its sudden gusts and agitated hosts of moisture-laden clouds, ready perhaps to christen the occasion with enthusiasm taken too literally. Instead, we discovered, enchanted, that inside the oak forest the dense intertwining of branches cushioned any harshness of the wind, making it gentle, tame. Thus the trees, all embraced high above, participated in an immense swaying minuet, making their bows with aristocratic propriety amid the chirps of birds and trills of secret music.

Excerpted from the book "The Way of Songs Birds/BIRDS" produced by Zerynthia on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name at the Paliano Woods.

Video shot by Ferdinando Vicentini Orgnani in August 2020 on the occasion of the exhibition "La Via dei Canti" at the Bosco di Paliano.

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